Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats
Gaston, OR






Helpful Magazines, Books, Supply Catalogs
for raising Fiber Goats

Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats
Lisa Roskopf
51920 S.W. Dundee Road
Gaston, OR 97119

Suggested books, magazines and catalogs
for raising fiber goats and their products

I have put together this list of books, magazines, and catalogs that I have on hand and find useful in raising my Pygora goats.  Some information is written about sheep but applies to goats as well.

I hope you find this information helpful in raising your own Pygoras--Lisa

Click on a topic below:

Pygora specific information

Books on raising goats and sheep

Goat and Sheep magazines

Catalogs for veterinary supplies & animal equipment

Books on wool, spinning & fiber arts

Spinning and Weaving magazines

Miscellaneous Fun Books for Kids and Adults alike

    Pygora specific information:

    Pygora Fiber Fun Book-Chris Utterback
    All about Pygora fiber. 

    Books on raising goats:

    Beginning Shepherd's Manual - Smith

    Colored Sheep and Wool - Kent Erskine
    (The Proceedings of the World Congress on Coloured Sheep U.S.A 1989)

    Diseases and Disorders of the Sheep and Goats - Linklater & Smith

    Diseases of the Goat - John Matthews

    Farm Livestock - Graham Boatfield

    Field Guide to Plants Poisonous to Livestock-Western U.S.  -  Shirley A. Weathers

    GOATS of the World - Valerie Porter

    Herbal Recipes for Farm Animals - Diana manseau

    Lambing Problems - Laura Lawson

    Managing your Ewe and her Newborn Lambs - Laura Lawson

    Merck's Veterinary Manual

    Missouri Grazing Manual - University of Missouri-Columbia

    The Modern Shepherd - Brown & Meadowcroft

    Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in Sheep - Wright

    Practical Lambing - Eales & Small
    (Book is from England and has some good photos)

    Pygora Goat Management Booklet - Chris Utterback
    (Great for 1st time Pygora goat owners and children. 

    Pygora Fiber Fun Book - Chris Utterback
    All about Pygora fiber and it's uses

    Raising Sheep the Modern Way - Paula Simmons

    The Sheep Book - Parker

    Sheep and Goat Science - Ensminger & Parker

    Sheep Ailments - Eddie Straiton
    (Book is from England and has some very good photos)

    Sheep Housing and Equipment Handbook - Iowa State University

    The Sheep Raisers Manual - William Kreusi

    SID Sheep Production Handbook - American Sheep Industry Association

    Showing Sheep-A selecting, raising, fitting and showing guide- Laura Lawson

    The Veterinary Book for Sheep Farmers -Henderson

    Your Sheep, A kid's guide to raising & showing - Simmons & Salsbur


    Goat and Sheep Magazines:

    Black Sheep Newsletter
    25455 N.W. Dixie Mtn Rd.
    Scappoose, OR 97056

    Pygora Breeders Association Newsletter
    Website: www.pba-pygora.org


    Catalogs for veterinary supplies &  equipment:

    Caprine Supply
    Phone: 1-800-646-7736

    Email: info@caprinesupply.com

    Phone:  1-800-533-3377

    Nasco Catalog
    Phone:  1-800-558-9595
    4825 stoddard Rd.
    Modesto, California 95356

    Phone:  1-800-282-6631

    Phone:  1-800-842-1369
    E-mail:  sydell@sydell.com
    Website:  www.sydell.com


    Spinning and weaving magazines:

    Spin Off Magazine
    Phone: 1-888-480-5464


    Books on wool, spinning & fiber arts:

    Black Sheep Newletter Companion -Sachiye Jones

    Colored Sheep and Wool - Kent Erskine
    (The proceedings of the World Congress on Coloured Sheep U.S.A. 1989)

    Fibre Facts - Bette Hochberg

    Handspinners Handbook - Bette Hochberg

    High Whorling - Priscilla Gibson-Roberts
    (Excellent book on drop spindles)

    In Sheep's Clothing - Nola & Jane Fournier
    (Check out page 134 about Icelandic wool)

    New directions for felt an ancient craft -Gunilla Pactau Sjoberg

    Practical Lambing and Lamb Care - Eales & Small

    Spinning - Lee Raven
    (Great beginner spinning book)

    Turning wool into a Cottage Industry - Paula Simmons
    (Check out page 162 about Woodland Woolworks)

    Wool Fibers - Diane Betts


    Fun Books for Kids and Adults Alike:

    It's Hard to Look Cool When Your Car's Full of Sheep - Roger Pond

    Things that go "Baa!" in the Night - Roger Pond

    Buddhism for Sheep - Louise Howard

About Hawks Mountain Ranch Pygora Goats | Our Herd Management Practices | What is A Pygora Goat? | Frequently asked Questions about  Pygora Goats | Pygora Goat Breed Standards | How to Prepare & Spin Pygora Goat Fiber | The Pygora Goat as a Fiber Breed | Our Herd Sires  | Magazines, catalogs, books for raising Pygora goats | Magazine & newspaper clippings about our Pygora Goats | Fun photos of our Pygora Goats and our farm | Shipping our Pygora Goats across the U.S. | Products made from Pygora Goat Fiber | Pygora Goat Health and Kidding Info

E-mail Us:   Lisa@hawksmtnranch.com


 This website and it's contents including all text, photos and graphics, are copyright of Hawks Mountain Ranch  2023©   Please request permission for use of any of it's contents. Thank you!