Sad news from the Farm

Eyore as a baby

March 30th, 1993 ~ Sept. 19th, 2000


Hello everyone,

I have some very sad news to report.  2 weeks ago today, Our dear Eyore had to be put down.  Many tears later, and still to my disbelief, reality has finally settled in that he is gone.  It is now time for me to let others know. 

We had a necropsy done and we are waiting for the official results to come back as to what the cause of death was.  From watching the necropsy, it looks like he had some damage to his lungs and went into respiratory distress.  

I am still trying to come to terms with this as Eyore was like part of the family.  He was a proud buck and always made sure his presence was known to all those that came to the farm.  He loved attention and would enjoy being walked on a leash just to be close to people.  Although Eyore will be sorely missed, his legend will live on through his many offspring he has left behind.

Take care, my Eyore, as you have touched all of us that knew you. 



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